Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Dealing With Life Successfully

I think I'm seriously onto something here on how to be successful in life. I'm going to share it to the best of my ability. Basically, I think it's really about garnering the ultimate inspiration for living. I guess in some cases people would want to relate it to having faith in God for support.

First thing, it's to basically not be bothered by anything or work hard at not being bothered by something. People can sometimes be annoying from trying to screw up your life for all sorts of reasons or threatening you in a non-polite way. If you aren't bothered, then when you sense your life is getting bogged down, you won't over-react to the situation and will have a peaceful sense of mind to utilize your talents to get further in life even with those unfortunate setbacks. For a Christian view, it's to pretty much take up the cross and bare all the burdens and then place Jesus first in the believer's life; this pretty much means that when the body or mind wants to do something to take the easy way out but can't see at the moment it's foolish, by placing trust in a peaceful and loving God then the mind is able to relax and come up with superior solutions or amiable alternatives.

The second thing is to pretty much know what you want in life. I think the Bible has a verse that says "Know thyself." If you aren't sure about what you want in life from being really young at heart still, it's to pretty much spend a few moments in a daily fashion when you remember reminiscing on your full desires. Block out the stress levels momentarily and think about what would make you truly happy in life. Everybody has wishes and desires to obtain otherwise it wouldn't be human- don't deny yourself this privilege of just having thoughts of what it is you want; if it's something that depresses you from thinking about it then I suggest you get some professional guidance to get yourself on the right track.

The third thing is to work hard for what you want in life. Working hard is like taking a big step towards investing in the person's daily affairs. It can keep you occupied when life feels a little meaningless at the moment, but it's great to do because you are occupying yourself on the things you want to do.

The fourth thing is to open yourself up and think positive. A verse in the Bible says whatever is lovely, whatever is good think on these things. (Philippians 4:8) Honesty is one of the greatest personal assets for measuring the current situation. By having a positive outlook in life, regardless of whatever situation you are in, there is a greater chance for you to not let that setback cause you to falter even further back. For a possible applicable standard, this is what I did, I took out a sheet of paper and then wrote on top verbatim (!) "Minimum standard to be happy (at least touch these)" and then wrote down all the general categories from personal standards (fun included) to dating someone. Afterwards, I wrote a brief description of what I had to do, for example, "play this group game at a minimum of five times per week." Here's another one, "Before trying to find a cute girl to date, be sure to touch all the other things I want to do." It's a list that states minimum standard to be happy, what fun or interesting priorities could one come up with and brainstorm!