Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Fresh and New

The way I'm starting to see things is that everyday is a positive opportunity to gain something significant to satisfy the demands of an individual. Obviously, there is a foundation that I'm sure everybody needs to have in order to progress. Just putting it all together feels so awesome for me!

The things that my puny mind have faced from being selfish, rebellious, and lazy has left me feeling dumbfounded at realizing the wrong I have done in general to myself. For instance, staying up all night just to play a game that didn't lead anymore pretty much took out a couple days to recover before stepping into the real world again. Out of everything that I've done and obviously looking back with a calm and steady heart, I'm noticing that the best things have actually been from being obedient to the Bible. I'm not talking about feeling like I'm better than someone- I'm literally talking about doing what the Bible says verbatim. By doing what Bible told me with those Words, I really didn't follow them fully so I felt dumb from reading the Bible because I didn't feel like following it.

Anyway, long story short, from reasoning my way because I had to in order to try to find some moral sense with the Bible, it actually finally made sense and putting it all together with what I have been learning, things have been actually all right!