Monday, August 26, 2013

Keeping Routine

I'm realizing that my writing has been taken to a more newer direction that is based on me feeling good from practicing eloquence. I'm no longer intending on feeling great from being a little too verbose which was what I used to strive for. It was funny in that I was too lazy and worn out to read what I was composing and burnt out to even self-analyze my own personal works.

I guess I've developed a personal style where it's just personalized humor that others just see as a normal or an average thing. Depending on some people's socializing behavior, they might find my works to be pretty entertaining as well. It's cool, and I have nothing against that; what I'm saying is that I preferably want to not be in trouble if I do something selfish and getting what I want out in life. I think that's normal for everyone, including those who start bickering about their personal problems and what would constitute correct behavior to friends which is pretty annoying to me.