Monday, August 26, 2013

Staying Dedicated

Having analyzed my eccentric posts from today, I think it's really about my need to be dedicated with helping to make the world a better place and starting with the smallest things. I'm thinking that if I grow up to become a rich fart and have nothing better to do then putting my time into messing with these weird people who popped up in my life might be actually fun.

Anyhow, I think I need to keep my heart dedicated in the right direction. It's great that my heart is superb at staying committed to the issue, but I think I need to bring that same fire to other personal things as well like to my workplace. I have a goal in mind of staying set on and even though my mind doesn't feel good at the moment or my body is just too tired, I have realized that it's a wonderful thing to accomplish when I look back at my daily goals.

Basically, I feel like I'm going random but it's a set pattern based on what I want to do. Based on what I do, I believe that people can get an idea of who I am. These are the things that I want to set my life upon: I want to gain a full understanding of the Holy Bible- King James Version from start to finish (Genesis to Revelations). It's pretty dry at certain points, but the figurative language and whether some parts of the language are literal is so fascinating and I'm sure from studying up on Jewish culture and the Greek language, there's really an intended meaning that the writer of a book in the Bible was referring to. I'm only looking at spending 15-30 minutes a day for something so cool.

I'm also getting into day trading; for my style, I call it more like a set and go system and a trade whenever I want to type of deal. I'm not really spending more than 20 minutes a day doing this now, and I don't really care about winning or losing right now because I am confident in the education I have received for it, so now I'm ready to learn how to implement it for maximum success.

I do want to progress further in my career. I'm currently looking at becoming a physician's assistant because my dream is to help out the needy at a third world country, and I think it would be the shortest and least complicated route of becoming a doctor. I'm also interested in picking up my parent's native language, and even though I'm not that bad at it for being born in America, I want to become really proficient at it. I don't think it's really a waste of time like my mom complained awhile ago to learn it because there are many bilingual positions opening up. For my career route, it might actually be pretty cool to be a professional computer geek because I grew up with playing on computers. I would also like to develop into a pretty decent manager working under some hot shot executive officer too so I could learn the ropes and get better pay. Ultimately, I would like to raise a nice family with a lovely wife and settle at a good location while being able to spend quality time with them.