Monday, August 19, 2013

Sticking To Goals

One of the hard things I have come to realize is that sometimes a person can be too exhausted to continue pursuing after a dream and has to retire for the night. I have read and heard about a few people who are capable of staying up for long periods and getting a lot done. My buddy's younger sister who is studying to be a doctor claimed that she could study for periods of up to 16 hours per day while preparing for an exam. I also read about a single mother who worked through many shifts and put herself through college by staying up late at night- she's now a very successful business woman.

These women have something that a lot of my guy friends don't have- determination, commitment, and proper motivation! I've noticed that for guys, it's easier for us to hang on to visual things that are pleasurable to us. Like for my buddy with the medical student sibling, he thinks the best part of his day is laughing at the misery of others on YouTube after getting out of work or scheming on legitimately taking other people's money. It's pretty funny and even though I am a little annoyed by his attitude at times, I'm just brushing those feelings off.

For myself, I've realized that I do deal with boredom too so I try stuff to keep myself occupied but those activities I subjugate myself to are not always the best activities for me to engage in. Since it's down time, I guess it's okay to mess around if I'm satisfied with the day's hard work I put in. Yet, I have these consistent goals that I want to keep up with now. I realize that my mentality is a lot different from the common folk because of what I am striving after.

Basically, I am really into trading currency to earn a living and it's about working roughly ten minutes a day. This is not something the average person just stumbles into because the volatile market is extremely hard to make a living off of and can intimidate a lot of potentially successful people. Along with the secrets being guarded or not followed, it's like a person has to fit in with the 5% crowd to earn a living.

I guess that's where I'm unique with the rest of the world in my usual goal that I'm going after. I have actually heard that a lot of people are into trading currency too but a lot of my friends probably think it's technically gambling and too cumbersome to deal with. Well, I've eliminated the gambling aspect and thinking of going professional with it, but I can't necessarily share the secrets to others I have obtained because that's a journey every participant should go through on his or her own.