Monday, August 26, 2013

Writing Very Passionately

It's starting to feel good with what I'm writing more and more. It seems like how I write is also fostering how I am as a real person. They say that a person's words is like a gateway to revealing the person's heart. At one point, I didn't make any sense so it just meant that my life was something that's really hard for people to grasp and with them acting out against me, then yeah, I get it, they were just wrong and no one really cares that they are wrong. If I do something to make things right then people are going to get involved to say that what I'm doing is wrong and to try to solve the issue by not letting it get so out of hand.

All I really have to do is just make the situation literally get out of hand and then all these people who tried to have a hand are going to be frustrated about their inability to keep the peace and be unable to do anything. Next, I solve the issue by pretending to be really happy about how I'm dealing with someone and then they end up thinking I'm weird. By them thinking I'm weird, I end up pursuing the worst, moral person regarding those people and with the worst people being shut down and with me able to get them to calm down and avoid everybody else, it makes everybody feel bad about getting involved and not do anything to me.