Tuesday, July 10, 2018

It Sucks But It's Funny

I think my parents are really annoying now that I think about it with them bothering me to get married! I know the type of girl I would love to marry but she really isn't around for me to date. I'm worn out with all this searching and would like to continue to work on myself and do stuff that conveniently relates to me. What I figure is also annoying is being told to marry only a specific ethnicity. If she's a beautiful person both inward and outward and close enough to the full package then that's enough said and I'm not going to care what anybody else thinks and consider myself just very lucky when the day happens!

I'm glad that I picked up on being honest with annoying people because it's keeping me from wanting to kill them! They have reasons to be afraid of me and think I'm crazy. It's because they are acting like a bunch of irritating buffoons. I would be afraid of approaching people if I kept on going off like that with others too. Just for being annoying and not being able to control themselves, they want to justify best as they can that they can do things better than others. Well, just from being honest in my approach with them, they have actually settled down in being crazy each time. I will just keep on being honest because it's working for me!

Annoying people suck and I wish I didn't have to deal with them, but they will always be around to tick me off. Grabbing a machine gun and blowing them away is too extreme for me, but maybe filing a restraining order and complaining about how I can't handle them as a person to the judge might be funny to me. It's so selfish if I go for that, but it's something to think about. The one thing I've noticed about annoying people is that they back off and then after some time passes, they try to get you again.

Being annoying to others is also funny too and so mean at the same time. I've been annoying myself so maybe it's what goes around, comes around. It's while being annoying that it's important to open up much as possible even if it stresses you out later for revealing something bad about yourself. I know this because I've had good results happen that I secretly want and it's being all love-see dove-see with everyone!