Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Understanding My Path In Life

Being able to pray to God and to continue working on myself has just been a natural given. I'm suffering just a little from not having what I want in life, but I don't see any problems with working hard at it and hoping for the best. What's actually really hard is just coming to an acceptance that achieving the dream may never occur. For example, my annoying buddy finally came around and admitted to me the other day via text that he's just playing Magic: the Gathering (MTG) as a hobby. MTG is a trading card game (TCG) with a slight similarity to other popular TCGs like Yu-Gi-Oh and even Pokémon from awhile ago. These games have been so popular worldwide that their respective publishing companies have hosted lucrative tournaments and attracted enough sponsors for interested pro-gamers.

My buddy has been pressing me to play a bunch of matches against him because he wants to keep on getting better at it. I broke the news to him that he annoys me too much while playing him, so it looks like he may sometimes have a bit trouble finding others whenever he has time for it. My honest opinion of his skill level wasn't pretty but I felt it was necessary for me to address because I don't like to play with him anymore and he still doesn't get it. I advised him to go play in local tournaments and accepted his passive and unintentional taunt that usually riled me up enough to play against him. Just from being straight up honest with him, it helped me keep my composure. Therefore, honesty is definitely the way to go no matter how hard, frustrating, and disappointing it's been. It's better to address it now and try to figure out something and why not go after solving it to move on with your life!