Saturday, January 19, 2019

Avoiding the Bad Sides of Life

This is pretty much about avoiding stuff that stink and are retarded in life. I think when a person sucks on his bad flaws and tries to spit out a new creation then it becomes like an even more naughtier lump of phlegm. I guess it really bites that I don't have a girlfriend. I'm actually laughing but I don't think I should continue complaining about how I don't have a girlfriend even though it's really funny.

I think it's all in good humor now and I'm realizing that's how life can be perceived as while losing at something. I have played a good amount of games to try to earn money competitively to know the feeling of crossing the finish line and then something from far away coming around to smack it out of reach!

It's pretty much about pursuing if you are a guy and sticking around and hanging out at places while chilling and having fun with great company if you are a girl. I am a guy, so I'm supposed to go around pursuing and from being a short guy, I just have to find ways to impress the super tall ladies if I ever find one interesting enough for me!  Even though I'm a short guy, I'm at least capably an average guy so shouldn't be too bad around girls like six inches (15.24 cm) taller than me and below.