Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Pushing Through While Tired

Right now, I'm going after developing discipline of working at it right after a long day of working ten hours and feeling so asleep and having lack of motivation to do anything! It just crossed my mind of what I wanted to work on and then it shut off again while thinking I could browse the web to read up on random things. I am just an average guy in a short man's Asian body who is thinking in American for the most part. Does this seem pretty out of place?

Yet, it's really funny for me ideally at the moment I'm thinking up all these comments to write about. It's fun to share with an anonymous crowd. I myself am being anonymous too even though I'm really trying and I don't know how many of the originals who were on this site are still reading this. I don't even know and I'm not even opening myself up for comments. I don't think anybody really has to message me; otherwise, I was nice enough to do something for them. It's probably impressive enough to just be nice to them who might think they are nobodies or just feel weird on here but not care and entertain oneself like I'm doing.

I don't think this website is really much of an attention grabber and would probably be better with a domain name if I wanted to make a name for myself. I'm really grateful for Google though to allow me to just put down anything and have a log of Internet ramblings or sometimes decent write-ups for memory or something to look at later and compare how I'm doing now for closure. I did say that I'm fully grown as a person now, but I see room for myself to keep on improving. This is something I will keep on trying with my naivety.