Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Living A Full Christian Life

I'm practically not finding favor with a large group of acquaintances for what interests me. I can't get them to like me right away whenever I want them to. I just don't have that natural ability and in a way, I think people can sound crazy if they do go around judging others who are in the spotlight. I would like to avoid being there and under scrutiny by everyone while risking the possibility of stressing out because something came out wrong.

In a way, I think it's bad to be an attention seeker while pursuing after something that isn't the best thing. It's like chasing after a compromise and this is what I feel I had been doing by sending passive aggressive messages to people on Facebook. I need to put a stop to it and give the stress and worries and feelings of uneasiness because I'm just feeling so impatient about not wanting to let something linger all to the Lord.

There really is freedom in living as a Christian and it doesn't matter what the person's background was. It doesn't matter what the person is feeling or having trouble fending off in their flesh. The Lord will make a way when there seems to be no way and by giving all the effort a person is willing to give, why not go after something he or she was just born to desire and have this natural ambition for! It's best to stick to the Lord's ways even if there's going to be something others might feel offended about from being this way.