Sunday, January 13, 2019

Stepping Back Into Action

I now realize that I want to double my income and increase my time available so that I will be ready to enjoy life and take on settling down with a great girlfriend wherever I meet her in this world. I'm actually full-on straight and have noticed it since I was about the fifth grade which is definitely during my pre-adolescence. I was really fascinated and confused by looking at a man's hairy chest and thinking they belong to a lady's sometimes. I'm laughing about this experience as I write this right now and probably a few will relate to me if there are people out there who don't think I'm weird already!

I really had definite interest in the medical field so looking at those textbooks to study a little about the woman's body was a fun time for me. It's nice to pick up knowledge that you are thirsting to know and it's important to try to let it be aligned with God's Word. This practically means I need to control my insatiable interest right now which deals with being attracted to a female buddy. I'm figuring that she has great qualities and she's an inspiring creature which I never took notice originally. The Bible says it's better to settle down then to let it burn with passion for the rest of your life. I think I'm meant to find someone to marry. I only feel like it's problematic because I'm not that lucky with finding girlfriends right now.