Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Interesting Feelings

A female buddy who I feel is driving me a little crazy sometimes because I feel physically attracted to her and then not some days is actually not really that bad of a person. She wants me to come over and spend time with her and her family during the weekends. We have this close knit connection like she's family and I'm so afraid of calling her my sister like it's going to destroy any chances of getting with her. Now that I think of it, it would be nice and wild to have a lady who would fit my bill of being the ideal wife and be this person the majority of time, but what if I grew tired of it later on and I just didn't want the same intended actions; well, I guess what I'm looking for in a wife is something that would be good even if I didn't feel it much in the moment like still putting my faith in Jesus even when times stink.

Overall, I don't think appearances really matter so much anymore because I seriously felt the opposite spectrums of physical attraction with this female buddy of mine. Some days she really has it and for others, she might not. If we have been spending so much time lately, like it's starting to almost feel like a chore now, I think it's only natural that I bonded with her and chose to get along with her unique personality. I'm starting to understand that she wants to be a certain person of stature and continue to give credit or respect to those who deserve it around her. She's actually not that mean and likes to put in so much effort to continue making great friends and maintain them throughout her busy life. I'm one of those lucky guys outside her family who she has come to call family and still recognizes me as a guy friend.