Sunday, January 13, 2019

Being On The Look Out

The Bible says that it's better to not be married and stay single and that there are more advantages available with doing things for God's kingdom. It might be weird to think this way and easy to ignore while continually questioning why I don't have a girlfriend. Oh well, my time will come I guess someday. I don't think I can control the length of time to find someone that will please my family and getting married at the same time. I will just try and be on the look out then while being myself and trusting in God to continue working on me in this area. 

Yet the advantage of being single is that I could go out and work on something that interests me without having obligations to another wonderful lady. I could work on my problem solving my own issues and let it be aligned with everything the Bible says in an objective manner and to the best of my ability. I can be persuasive from using the Bible and be so excited about sharing and practicing its principles in getting those dummies to let go of their paranoia and let me be their friends.