Monday, January 28, 2019

My Top Five Steps To Finding A Girlfriend

I might have a connection with a lady friend right now who is actually nice the majority of the time and I also happen to be attracted to her sometimes. Other than that, since she's my buddy and it's like I don't even know if we'll be dating each other anytime soon, I might as well look to expand my options with finding a girlfriend. If I can find a better lady than this friend, then it would be dumb to not try to ask her out on dates if she's available and interested. I mean I'll keep on learning how women are and maybe this friend will look so much better for me to settle with; I'm just speculating with maybes and have no definitive answer, but I think it will be fun.

Here's my rules that I just made up and I may be adjusting them like I always do with my personal styles of how I want to live:

1.) Trust in Jesus!
2.) Trust, trust, and trust in him. I'm just exaggerating, but it's really about looking for fun events that catch my interest.
3.) It's to match them with my schedule, so availability.
4.) Counting the number of attractive ladies that will be there. It's about being surrounded by physically attractive women for me since I'm a guy and want to pursue after someone, so might as well have fun with this.
5.) Lastly, the driving distance. I need to be home at a specific time because I have to wake up the next time early for work.