Thursday, January 31, 2019

Moving Forward

I'm starting to lighten up about how some people are in general, and I don't think it really matters if they decide to unadd me or refuse to add me on Facebook now. I mean I haven't really came across anyone so special that he or she would stand out in this world and just do that to me. However, there are also people who are cool with me too no matter what stupid act I do that would annoy them temporarily.

I believe some are refusing me as a Facebook friend because they probably feel that they don't know me well enough to put a little trust and feel like they won't be able to handle something about me and want to be selfish about it, even if it's not that big of a deal to begin with. Oh well, I guess some people don't want to get along with everyone and will blame you for the wrong reasons sometimes and try to shut you off from being too annoying to them.

What I've heard commonly from these people after trying to pursue them is that they aren't really using their social media. After all, they aren't celebrities and just wish to be closed off with me now and don't even want to reveal what issues they are dealing with. People can still genuinely do this to each other while being Facebook friends too, so I don't see what the big problem is besides feeling all messed up inside and forcing oneself to forget about it. It really comes down to communicating and I did have this natural ability to get it done in getting them to add me back because it really is stupid to begin with. I just wasn't able to maintain a deeper friendship with them after from getting burnt out with them.

There's really no need to set out on correcting everyone for having been stupid about something. Better things can really be focused on to increase in personal happiness and should be obtained through lots of hard work and some luck.