Sunday, January 13, 2019

Staying In Line

The hardest thing to do is like staying focused and disciplined while not letting bad things get to you. I mean I am buddies with two girls who are sisters who argue and love each other at the same time. One gets mad at the other and it's like a silly fight can break out between them over something that might not be so important. It really comes down to both being selfish about something and not being to handle something. I guess if it keeps going on for years over the same argument, it's enough to drive sisters crazy. This is what I'm starting to realize being a part of family might be all about. People are individuals and have goals and different interests and are of course selfish! It's just an ingrained part of people.

What I believe is lucky about those two girls though is that they both have been attractive at one point and can still be from still being young! I am a guy and being around them arguing and really comfortable with me there must really mean something. I'm learning about their qualities and how not to let their faults get the worst of me.

I honestly believe wholeheartedly sticking to the Bible and being patient and continually working at it even if things are not lining up to the heart's content is the way to go. This is something new that I'm accepting these days. It really is hard work to break through some barriers that were set up by crazy idiots and to stay in check.