Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Thinking With Better Perspective

I don't really feel responsible for a friend anymore with having introduced him to an addictive strategic game. I think he wants to still turn professional with it and only by doing one casual format, if it was possible, but that's not how it is really turning out for him. He says that he just can't get tired of the game, so I believe he's just not going to stop and ignore everything else because it's so fun. Unfortunately, it's not going to pay the bills for him and he still doesn't want to stop playing it.

It really bites to be hooked on something so fun and not having any means to support oneself. This is what video games do to visually stimulated and capable guys. More recently, there has been growing support for e-gamers so there are professional gamers out there, but only so few make it to the top and draw so much sponsors and supporters. They are the superstars who made it and just like any professional sport, it's just life. A person will always be considered only ordinary, until he or she finally makes it and gets recognized by the world for it. I think a person could be pretty good at something and still not have made it there yet. It's just a matter of keeping it going and being realistic about one's ability, not about how exciting or boring something really is. It's important to make a living in some fashion and even experience personal growth.

My friend is making a foolish decision from not stopping because he's just having too much fun. He doesn't really have a means to turn professional with it right now. He would probably fail a high-level math class and won't even touch it to begin with but he can't logically see that it's a game of also chance and how the game isn't designed to have consistent winners at the top, regardless of skill. There is always a little luck involved and nobody has a lot of it in the professional world he wants to be so part of. He's only participating in it because he isn't bored yet and doesn't want to leave it alone. It's really his life, but compared to him, I'm over that stage of my life.

I found something better and it's that I'm working on something that I know will reap me so much benefits if I can earn it and it's also a fun thing for me to do with attempting to earn a living. I'm practically paying nothing to learn it right now, so I will keep going at it and never give up the good fight!