Saturday, January 19, 2019

Making Sense Of My Depression

I don't really know what I'm feeling depressed about, but it looks like I don't really care because I still want to become a millionaire so bad with a six pack! Okay, I guess it's because I don't really have a legitimate honey right now. I need to trust in the Lord and go around looking for one now. I do have a potential prospect to just pursue after with a girl buddy but anything can really happen at this point. I still haven't made up my mind with her, but I feel like she could be it for me right now. I don't really need to ask her out to get to know her better because we're already buddies. I know enough about her to know what makes her happy and to give her some space sometimes when I can tell she really wants it.

This is sort of a depressing feeling because I'm sort of interested with a girl buddy! At the same time, this is so funny man. I think I could even just stay friends with her too. This is sort of a depressing angle to stick around with. I think I need to go find some reinforcements and look for some more attractive and single ladies out there to pursue after and wouldn't really be a waste of time for me. I need some good friends to help me get there too, but I guess I would have to put in the most work anyway because it's always like that for me. It's depressing and funny at the same time with how it's just going to cost me more time, but I'm just going to have to trust in Jesus and go with it.