Saturday, January 19, 2019

Loving Life

Loving life is so important and needs to be done with plenty of laughter. Laugh out loud with me! HA HA HA, one HA syllable at a time. I seriously want to laugh so hard and giggle- it's so easy to make the same breathing noise while laughing like at a machine gun rate!

I think I have minor bipolar from being depressed about not having a girlfriend at one minute and then laughing about it the next second. It's like I need to make up my mind about my situation. Actually, I'm happy that my girl buddy I'm attracted to responded back to me. She's really nice, but man it's hard to worry about not getting a text and just sitting there while feeling all this pain of not getting some attention. It's crazy how as individualistic creatures we all think and interact differently.

I don't respond at instantaneous speed either at my girl buddy. I take my sweet time and sometimes even days. When she does that to me, I'm all worried about it. I'm so hypocritical and I just need to stop feeling so depressed about not receiving a silly text message! I don't care if people text me, but I start caring if the texts I send out don't get cared about. I'm so selfish and a hypocrite!