Monday, January 28, 2019

Having Fun With Priorities

I'm realizing with the time we spend, we all have so little than we could imagine. It's amazing how people can work on stuff and just turn it into something so creative and fun to share with others. I was really inspired last night by attending a small art exhibit hosted by a group of no-name and talented artists. Getting a photo with them, along with my friend who carpooled with me, I totally wonder if one of them will ever become a superstar in her art field. I was really amazed by her talent and passion she was able to portray with her works, even though I spotted a noticeable flaw on one of her smaller prints she was selling. Other than wondering if she did that intentionally now because I bought a few of them from being affordably half price, I think she really brought out some hot stuff. She's also a very pretty and approachable girl so never know if she will become big.

I honestly don't see myself making a dent in anything really. I just want to work hard enough to retire young and be smart in how I invest my savings and then spend freely from the earnings to have fun but not waste it lavishly on stupid things that famous, rich people like to do sometimes. I think that excess money from being rich could seriously go to giving back and helping out the less fortunate- I want to help out good and able people too who are getting sick of some things becoming a hassle for them.

There's definitely enjoyment that can be found from reaching after goals and working hard for them and just staying with that beat. I think as of this moment, I need to focus on having fun with my priorities first rather than going after time-spending activities that are also fun. It would be awesome to earn the excess time from becoming filthy rich and then having nothing to do, go after playing video games competitively with other kids as an old rich man.