Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Going For The Home Runs

My self-confidence level is pretty above normal right now and spending days doing nothing but work and no play doesn't really bother me so much anymore. It's just that I want to have a job with something that I feel really satisfied over earning money with. It took awhile, but I found out that I want to make my living off of developing video games. At the same time, it's pretty odd that I feel passionate about working for free as a physician! It would be nice to have those medical skills and put them to good use for impoverished people who are suffering and to also further my personal knowledge about how the human body works. It's quite interesting, but I think I'll be happy with barely knowing enough to always stay an entry-level doctor!

What I'm going after are difficult tasks and I'm not bothered by it. I really have to thank my attitude back in those days while I was struggling to keep on sticking it out. I don't mind having to go through it again because it just reminds me of good times from all the struggles I had and to come out of it alive and happy. In a sense, it's just how the mind can start operating really cool and the body will stay relaxed while going through the process of learning. 

It's not so much a hassle anymore with seeking instant gratification and working on something else. It's a continuous process and it's happening because studying the material is becoming much of an enjoyable art. There's no need to worry about how better one is than the other, unless the person is trying to step into something first. If it's competitive then yes, worry away and try hard to beat the opponent; otherwise, just don't really worry so much about it. It's about reaching satisfying results and once it happens, that's what matters more than how long it took unless it's so long and caused some relationship problems. 

In a sense, it's about going after the reasonable home runs in life and trying to knock them out the park hardest as possible. It may take awhile, but it's really all about putting in the effort and having a goal in mind and then striving to reach it. If reaching it is happiness then it's a great thing!