Monday, April 8, 2019

Making Proper Connections

I'm realizing that when my mind is slowing down, then I'm looking for some clickbait to feed my brain with. Like yesterday, I read articles on the chances of future hall of famers for professional athletes. I know, what does it really have to do with me?  Anyway, I found it to be entertaining and quite interesting since I'm a fan of certain teams and it feels cool about how some of them have a good chance of winning for the whole season. I'm probably going to be a lifelong fan of the Angels and it's thanks to me watching them as a kid on my small 10-inch TV screen and learning how the game of baseball is played just from watching several games and rooting them to win all of a sudden! It even became heightened when I had a chance to watch them at the stadium and it became a really close game and the team won during extra innings on a bases loaded situation with the opposing pitcher throwing four balls.

I guess there's just too many good things in life that covers all the bad stuff that happened. I mean those bad experiences along with the unnecessary sufferings I put myself through really shaped me to be the person I am today. Just from making this bold assertion all of a sudden to live honestly best as I can and to finally figure out that I've been debating all this time with people who I disagreed with and found something that was temporarily good, it's cool to realize that I have this age where I'm seeing things and making connections. Some people just don't seem to care nor pay attention to where I'm headed though. I mean it's totally fine nowadays, and I have been making peace with it a lot better. I don't know what it was, but I just snapped back into place.