Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Personal Stupid Acts of Regression

I'm honestly not proud of doing these things, but since this is an anonymous blog and I now have close friends to regularly meet up with along with being able to meet more good-looking and random people, I don't really have too much of an issue with talking about it on here. Everything I did isn't criminal-like behavior. It's just something I find dumb for myself and could have done better. I can't really find a lot of room to talk about these things to others because I don't think they really care in the first place and probably there's something better to do at those social gatherings or other thoughts to constantly replace them.

I ended up setting up a new router that I bought for my dad. To test out its latency and effective streaming quality, I remembered something that I had trouble streaming in the past. I went on that site and it's pretty much a site that streams free porn. It's not like those free sites where you hit play to watch a video, but it's something like it because it's an actual channel that is being broadcasted by a perverted and generous host somewhere in the world! I ended up also measuring myself and feel that it's quite big for my size and felt all macho for awhile also while feeling some excitement but then the video feed became boring and I made myself out of it. It felt like watching the same thing over and over again with no plot. Getting able to see hot and sexy actresses naked from the Internet is always great but when they are doing something boring and doesn't really have much to deal with you, man it is what it is!

I feel dumb about testing out how slow the new router was by going on those sites because they have frozen for me in the past. It didn't freeze and I was able to watch it without any interruptions that I have faced in the past. It's just that it was really boring after awhile and I just can't see myself practicing to that material right now. I didn't even practice surprisingly but had fun measuring myself using a device that isn't intrusive and not a ruler because I couldn't find one. Seeing and reminding myself that it's pretty long, I'm quite happy and feeling macho as a result. I'm ready to find a sexy and nice wife now who is in it for what I'm in it for too.

I remember pledging that I'm not going to have much to deal with my addictions of just reading about American professional baseball and checking up scores of different teams. I could do this for hours and just lose track of time while eventually not even placing any bets. I might be able to have a decent feel if my favorite team is going to win or not and try to bet but I just don't feel interested in it even with all that knowledge I can fill my head temporarily with. Instead of dealing with baseball, I ended up dealing with American professional basketball!

It's interesting that Magic Johnson is no longer running operations for the world-famous Lakers team. They even let go of their head coach. Now, the local sportswriter said on his column that the Lakers are going to suck even more now! Okay, I don't think I had to know all of those things.

It's time to make some more minor adjustments practically to my behaviors and go for that improvement. I'm cursing less at my personal thoughts even around nobody and just myself. I guess that's one good that's came out of writing so let's see how well I get myself organized with all these complicated tasks I have in mind for doing. Mainly, it's raising a lot of money and creating so much free time I can do things that normal people would be a little too lazy to do.