Friday, April 26, 2019

Moving Forward

I don't really know how many originals are still reading this blog, but if they are then I'm really surprised by it because the ones I know who did had something against me! If I have been writing this long and their suspicions haven't been met by now, then I guess it's safe to be of the opinion that they were being silly with me. It was really no big deal in the first place, and they were mad for bad reasons and fixated thoughts on things that were out of place and didn't make sense. I wish I worked on my issues and grew out of it much sooner back then, but I still have something lingering inside of me. My problem is mainly about staying a productive individual during my personal time.

One of the things I've changed a lot lately in is that with my tastes, I'm enjoying reading up on things for entertainment a lot better than before. Yesterday, I did end up finishing up my plans for an upcoming San Diego trip. Now, I want to focus on reorganizing my room and getting some work done with my online courses. I also would like to build up some more confidence by working hard to earn lots of money and have a body that I'm proud of maintaining from all those hours spent working out and eating healthy. 

To top it all off, I do need to eventually find a nice and attractive lady who is available and loves me enough to want to get married. I hope the day arrives someday while I'm working at getting it all together over the little things and socializing and mainly managing my time very well without failing to lose so much focus and not putting in the time needed to get it done. I guess my life has to be all about hard work and making effective changes for improvement. 

Something I'm noticing about myself is that I think I should do my bedtime chores if I haven't already and can after 8:00 pm. If I stay up late, then at least I have it out of the way or maybe I will have to live with sometimes how I could go hit the 24 hour gym and sweat again. This is pretty much my last hint I am writing for myself this month. I can write a lot more if I wanted to but it will be too much time spent unnecessarily. 

For my trading endeavors, it looks like I have become something I will like to call myself a range and inner channel breakout trader. It's pretty much my own inside terminology from all the studying and practice I have done. I'm in that school of swing/position traders and is possibly similar to theirs, so I now have one of three set-ups I'm looking to trade in order of importance and where to place a stop and along with my own risk to reward ratio analysis. I pretty much have a system now and will see if I can keep it working for three months straight. I believe that my system can screw up at any time, so I'm never going to sell or share it. If I ever take on the only person I promised as a student, I will make her come up with her own system, so I will put her through so much to see how serious she is and won't care if she gives up. I want to team up with other profitable traders only for now.