Monday, April 1, 2019

What To Write

I think if I put something scary on here then it would be taken really seriously and maybe the feds would come over after tracking me. I mean even if it's just April Fools to me in mind, I guess I would be crazy to say something like that with my growing communication skills and make everybody mad in the end, right? I basically don't want to risk it and go find myself a hot, single, and available girl while she's also attracted to me to go date. I might as well try to go about making that happen besides letting my mind rot away while trying to collect chump change and play online poker (legally) while falling half asleep for a few hours. I could trade the time for that mindless habit and utilize the time to work on myself to try to attract those single and hot girls.

It would be so awesome to have them line up someday and I get to just pick and choose who to marry or who to have some more fun with or be friends with. The question is how do I get there with the impossible looking figure that I already have now? I need to get go hit the gym and turn it into something possible! Right now!!!

Actually I talked to that attractive girl I'm close to, so man I'm going to be blunt here but I think she's asexual even though I know she likes me. She's not going to be pleasing to me even though I can keep up with her and even out do her in the areas she wants to have fun because I enjoy doing those things too a lot. I guess that's why she's my friend because she likes me while being a weird and incapable of sex type of human being right now. Maybe I could try convincing her a little to turn that way towards having a thing for men and then feel some little hope while I chase her all the way from downtown and to her house. She can also be scary when she's moody too, and I don't want to be around it so I think the wise decision will be to go hang around with other good looking ladies and see if they can hook me up with a nice and attractive lady to build a happy relationship around! This is real life, and I don't want to feel like I'm in some rom-com situation because it really hurts being that guy.