Friday, April 19, 2019

Making Use of Time Properly

I have found out that I can burn my weight off easy if I lay off of the junk food, put my body in motion for at least twenty minutes, and get a good night's rest. The main thing is really watching out with the diet and having a good night's rest for me. It's like burning off the water weight because my metabolism kicks in from having exciting dreams and then not remembering them at all!

Anyway, my dreams are pretty funky and it's like how it is for me sometimes at work. I'm just staring into complete space and trying to get the job done sometimes. I'm having a hard time trying to understand something and frustrated a little from wanting to get it done and stressed out. I guess that's life and I signed up for some more of that with this online class that I'm really interested in learning. I think it's going to be fun and seriously a huge stepping stone to get to where I want to be in life from a financial standpoint.

I'm doing the math here. From playing online poker, I'm wasting about an hour and can risk up to five dollars and feel like a really long time. I have this systematic way of playing where I'll just keep conserving my chips and pressure the opponent to letting me win even if I don't think I have a made hand. Of course, I'll get bluffed at or give in also to the other opponents who like to bet a huge amount and risk not getting paid off for their good hand or lose from making a stupid gamble! It's all crunching pot odds and going for it or signing off for the next opportunity and feeling good about the hands that were being played. I have all of that going.

With this whole online poker thing and only risking like five dollars for the whole day, it doesn't really amount to much profit and feels like a wasted effort for me. My day job obviously pays a whole lot better. I could be making a lot more money initially if I worked on something else and have more free time to hang out with the pretty ladies who might be interested in dating me later. If I just keep at it, then I'm not really going to go places because my style of poker is not to make those crazy and genius moves that are so outside the box. It's conservative and aggressive and I try to be deceptive. Almost all the decent online players are like this so it's like battling for the pot that just keeps going back and forth with the online casinos enjoying a nice payday from taking a small piece of the pot we generate. I would rather be the relaxed online casino who has the environment set and pay my taxes while living off of a large amount of customers who pay me well for the services.

I think I'll just stick to my business game plan and since I'm signed up for online classes now to enhance my knowledge in the field of software engineering and creative product creation with management, I'll just try to program something from research that can generate some profit with happy customers. I feel the incentive to do this on my own because it's really cool to have a portfolio like this and to have a side business while at the same time obtaining a decent job from companies that have made it big already.