Thursday, April 25, 2019

What I Could Have Done Yesterday Differently

Well, yesterday after the fiasco of getting bored with porn the day before, I didn't look at porn. I did however get interested in this pretty actress and was curious about watching her sexy scenes for free but I don't know what happened. It's a form of porno still, but not really. It's like something that goes on my mind from being bored and stupid at that moment. I don't believe in paying for anything related to this matter, so I'm never knocking at someone's door and demanding for it after I bust out a couple hundred dollars. I can even place a million dollar bet that I won't and probably not even go collect it after I win. This is how confident I am and I've been doing it for only thirty-five years now, so what does adding an extra year mean anyway? I'm seriously telling the truth and it would be so crazy for anyone to lie about those things.

Well, I could have snapped myself out of feeling dumb and stupid by doing something smart while I kept on feeling bored and tired. I ended up reading up on some movie plot and then ended up reading about stories of some Chinese general back near 200 AD and the start-up of the Wing Chun martial arts. It was passed down to a female master by a shaolin monk, according to legend. This female master taught it to another interested female and then the new student ended up beating up all the nasty guys who bullied her to be in a relationship with them. This powerful lady ended up marrying and then she taught her husband and then it passed all the way down to Bruce Lee one day!

Did I really have to read about all this stuff and get to know about it from yesterday? Really? I think I'm interested in learning some Wing Chun now though. It could be a little watered down from focusing on flashy moves, so maybe the most practical would be to learn effective striking and parrying techniques and submission holds for those one-on-one moments. It's very much like UFC because punching someone in the face really hard and getting a clean shot will work on any punk! It would require a lot of conditioning and practice so it could be repeated over and over again as much as needed even if it becomes like 100 opponents versus just one. Yeah right! If they know what they are doing, the one guy left standing will run away or go looking for a machine gun to blast them away.

I also ended up skipping my supper while munching on a partially empty bag of Dorritos. I guess that's how yesterday ended up being for me, and I'm not satisfied by it. I should have woke my butt up and taken a shower while adding another splash of minoxidil on my scalp and brushed my teeth again. It's pretty hard for me to care about being so short now as it used to be. Anyway, I guess I can drown out my miseries of being bored and feeling stupid or so ugly and fat by doing something about it and working hard on something else besides letting my mind wander off like it happened yesterday. My main activity was really reading up on interesting things before falling asleep and feeling like I wanted to watch sexy scenes of a pretty actress back from twenty years ago and is now so old and ugly.

I can definitely do much better than this, even though I was pretty close to getting up and doing everything. It was like 15% chance for me to do what I wanted yesterday. Now, I think I have a 15.5% chance of being successful and it's only because I wrote about it to get it off my chest.