Monday, May 6, 2019

Defeating Personal Laziness

First thing is first, it's all about admitting to laziness after seeing no results. The next thing is to put in the effort to fix it. Lastly, it's to be lucky and keep on repeating the action that was fixed. Unfortunately, this solution won't apply for people who are mentally sick or too forgetful! I told a friend it's because she might be mentally handicapped even though she grew up pretty intelligent. Maybe, it's because she just wants to be lazy instead!

Anyhow, I have to admit it's laziness while I'm feeling sleepy and not feeling it in the moment. I need to push myself into action- it's the only way to make it work. All those former athletes and has-beens and never made it to the point of being elite enough to go pro to live out their dreams turned fat and lazy. Why do I put up with their opinions still? Actually, I already forgot because I'm a forgetful person. Maybe it's my mental handicap because I'm so filled with forgetfulness when I just don't really care.

I need to defeat my laziness and forgetfulness by actually caring about what I'm doing in the moment! I need to lift up my cries to the Lord in prayer and hopefully he'll make me feel lucky and then I can keep on going my way.