Monday, May 6, 2019

Letting Go Of Things For The Hard Life

This is pretty much what's on my mind. I think Poker sucks because I lose too much at it. I'm so close to saying those two words but if I'm at a card playing casino or in Las Vegas, what else am I supposed to play and try to earn a little income off of even though I'm going to lose it all in the end!

The fact that I can seriously model my trading career off of something like automatically playing poker while I sleep, I have something going! I can just let it run and watch my fake money fall into that deep depressing pit of minus dollar signs. I'm still trying to find something consistent and I finally landed on only one method that works like a charm and is nice for me, but I want to have two more backup methods so it's going to take longer for me to be satisfied and winning fake money with an actual business running plan.

It's crazy because after all these years, I'm so systematical about trading and emotionless and not getting all hopeless and angry from losing at trades. I do get excited to see long profit runs though and that's what I'm living for. If it's consistent enough if I would do the math, then yeah here comes my fake retirement and living out my dream life of just playing and looking for a hot girl who isn't shallow to marry.

In the meantime, I need seed money and I'm going to do that by working for landing a job that I personally wouldn't mind wearing a blue collar for. I want to be a software engineer and then transition over to a project manager of video games. It would be a lot of fun to test those games out too and even play competitively with a bunch of kids as a grandpa.

On the side, I have so many hobbies including trying to be a doctor who wants to do it for no pay. I'm so crazy, so yeah I need this money-that-comes-to-me-while-I-sleep to work eventually and hopefully it happens in the next three months because that's the minimum amount of time I need to convince myself it works.