Thursday, May 23, 2019

Racking Up Points With The Ladies

I started out with one lady who was interested in helping me find the right lover for me. It then became two shortly after. Now, I have four total! I can keep on racking them up to help out. I think I still have two more, considering a lady friend wanted to introduce me to her co-worker who already has a kid. I told that lady who was interested in me that I wanted to go outdoors and then party later- she was not interested from being too tired. I guess it didn't work out and I don't really care to be honest. She was okay to me in appearance, but I'm not rejecting based on opportunity to get a date.

This one Korean lady was cool with me but she turned me down too in also a night-time adventure which was hiking for miles at a scary canyon. Okay, I don't think it worked out but she's into playing a sport that I like too. She's just too busy for me and I don't like that. Overall, she's not bad looking even though I could ask for a little more in some female features about her but I don't think it's going to matter. She was a little taller than me and I felt insecure. I should have asked and see how she felt and if she was like no, then yeah, she's too shallow for me.

Decisions and decisions and reflections and could haves and should haves. If I wanted to compromise, I would already have had seven ex-girlfriends by now! Wow, I'm so prudish for a guy and it's so weird, I know and I don't care. I want to have a girlfriend I'm comfortable with and that used to be a tall order but now I know what I'm looking for. There is a girl who I really genuinely like and she even let me hold hands and it was fun to be kissed on the check by her for a photo. She gives really cute hugs and she smiles while hanging out with me. I guess she really enjoys herself around me and wants to get to know me when we hang out. Yeah, and even people think we make a cute couple so the one thing I don't like about her is that her family is a bunch of pill-heads and she has a lady issue that can hamper her from being always outgoing. I would have to sacrifice all of that fun but I wonder how fun she would be since she's definitely not asexual.