Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Putting In The Effort With Patience

I think in order to get good with anything that's out of the ordinary like learning to trade foreign currency pairs to make a nice living, it requires a lot of natural discipline. I find myself drawn to the trading world and it's something I'm into only because it fits a selfish interest which is earning profit while I'm sleeping and not having to deal with people face-to-face. I'm having a lot of fun learning to master the Forex market right now. I want to specialize only in that and I'm so stubborn about sticking around it, long as I can and while the government around here doesn't care if I do. I plan to live in the U.S. and make it my permanent home and don't see myself living anywhere else unless a terrorist attack forces us to become immigrants!

The thing I'm feeling a little lazy about now is sticking to my plans of becoming an expert software engineer. I do enjoy programming software but it's always challenging and stressful. Despite these drawbacks, it's like a real-world video game for grown-ups because getting the final product to work like a charm is so satisfying for my heart and belly! I'm a little lazy about playing really hard video games on expert mode. I would rather watch YouTube videos on how to survive and barely manage to pass them. I don't really want to put in the time because I think I have naturally been gravitating to reading and watching stuff for my pleasure. I'm just a normal, middle-class, and single man in the modern world with a few added privileges- I get to hang out with single ladies and a few of them are open about expressing physical interest to me. I am trying to find a girlfriend and I'm considering this lady friend with a personality I'm totally gushing about. I wish she was a bit more interested and capable with doing the outdoor activities I'm so crazy about.

The issue I might have with her family is that they are advocates for popping pills over anything that makes them sick, including a few crazies that might run in their gene pool. I don't know if I want to mate with dormant, crazy genes for the kids. I've learned to conquer my own mental illnesses which was depression and temporary stress disorder during my puberty that made me hear actual voices accusing me of being a homosexual, which is false! I know, I should have all the confidence in the world now if I was able to bounce back from it. Maybe it's because I just want to be lazy and take it easy for myself, which is the selfish and cowardly way for me.

I have her on hold right now and that lady's personality I'm into loves to sing so she says she would be cool if I dragged her out to a live band for Karaoke. It could be a fun date actually but I would have to include another female friend because she just likes to tag along and I'm pretty sensitive about meeting those needs. In a way, it would be a play three-some date I guess! Scandalous, but I'm not doing anything illegal. I think I'll bring another guy who likes to sing and do Karaoke too. It will be so fun!