Tuesday, May 7, 2019


I think that dumb broad named Lee at that church which I think is a sham from only basing it like ten years ago, caused a sleeping giant to wake up inside of me. I am in competition with myself to be the best person all around so I want to practice better humility than Lee. I also want to talk the smack down, like the Rock did in that WWE show back in the Attitude Era to her. I am going to practice humility while trash talking all the way from going first base to home separately on the lady I get to marry. I'm never going to marry Lee because she's too dumb for me!

I wrote a poem that said these two ladies are unattractive while being so concerned about it. They were offended and so they have issues with being sensitive and maybe they had that bad time in their month! Being all moody and flashy and periodic man, I wrote a sensitive poem that expressed my concerns about them being unattractive! It should win an award and it's legal too.

You know these two guys acted like neutered dogs by trying to do the dirty work of those two unattractive ladies with me. They aren't even their boyfriends so hence, I'm accusing of them having been so neutered. Maybe after one, two, three, or several kids they decided to make themselves neutered while losing so much money off their paycheck. They did bad for a populating world and can't control themselves- such neutered dogs.

Yes, I'm going to practice better humility then all of those fools put together! I am always going to be the leading champion in my competition, even if it takes only one final round to win it all. After winning, I will keep on being better and staying that way to keep the championship streak alive all until the day they all die!