Friday, June 7, 2019

Hindrances To Achieving Success

The biggest obstacle I face in life with getting to where I want to is falling asleep on my chair while procrastinating- that is all! It's a hilarious statement and at the moment, I have to achieve better time management and expect myself to get bored and just fall asleep any moment even though it wasn't my intention. For example, I realized that while driving for 90 minutes yesterday, I was trying to listen to a well voice-acted dramatization of the Bible and was still phasing in and out. I managed to finish listening to what I could with the whole Bible two days ago and then started all over. It's going to be my fifth time around. I'm guessing by the time I get to a thousand times of listening to the whole Bible, then I'll know something if I gain something out of it at all.

Overall, I think it's about filling myself with confidence and just trying while giving it my all and being manly about the disappointments that may come way. I guess I'm fearful about over-doing it and stressing out while becoming depressed. I don't want to be perceived in a negative way either, but there are plenty of negative people out there already for the most ridiculous reason. I have a whole crowd against me too! Oh well, I'm not going to be able to rely on people too much then to find my personal motivation for becoming successful with the things I'm interested in. I'll just hope with great confidence while building perseverance from good character to begin with.