Friday, June 14, 2019

Knowing What You Want

Well, this blog has turned into something personal where I'm just sharing things that I would feel comfortable about while having some anonymity. I don't think I'm really that controversial though because I'm always trying to go for some decency. I'm going to share what I know that I want with myself so far. It's really that simple.

I would like to finish up my online classes for becoming a software engineer and to manage projects effectively while being creative and giving the customers what they want. I'm also trying to get stronger by learning more about investing. My swing trading has been looking good so far this month. It's two weeks in a row with profiting and it looks like I could be netting a three months showing sooner or later. What's cool is that the way I'm modeling my trades so far has been working the majority of time and bringing in a decent chunk of change. I'm pretty excited and want to do more eventually by learning to trade also other financial markets like stocks and options.

On top of getting going with my ideal way of making a living, I would like to be pretty athletic like have a nice six pack with some muscles and practically a masculine beach body I would be happy and also end up with a decent and physically attractive lady or just beautiful to me in general- doesn't matter how as long as I'm happy. There is a lady I'm friends with and seriously enjoy as a person and it doesn't have anything to do with her outward appearance and I might be feeling it with wanting to go all the way with her and be so passionate in the relationship too.

I would like to top off my time with also spending it with nice friends and even having room to meet more of those nice people and to even hang out and have good laughs or some fun. I definitely need to build a lot of confidence in myself so I'm going to have to hit the gym more often and start cooking more. Basically, be adept at all the little things that make me a bigger man and also some things I think ladies like and can personally handle.  The Bible is also always going to be a part of my life. I'm listening to it with an app and has cool music and Hollywood actors reading the passages. It's beautifully acted, but I'm still not paying attention to it and thinking about my own stuff that makes me happy. I mean I get carried away but it's something I'm going to have to just deal with.