Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Nice Message

I feel blessed for finally figuring it out after only like eight years passed by. It's not bad and could have been worse like towards the end of my life. I seriously had some wonderful ties with a nice Christian lady at the old church where Lee decided to go bonkers with me on. They both had their share of struggles with me, a restless guy from who was down in the dumps because a friend turned sour from losing control after I wrote something about him that ticked him off so badly and shared it to people. He's a drama queen and turned paranoid when I didn't let up with my stance. He was being a pain to me at the time, while talking negative about people behind their backs. I wasn't much a fan for it and it really aggravated me that I decided to post it on an old blog. I don't feel like searching for it and so no one is really going to message me to put it up here. I just know how this blog works and all these readers who come on it. 

The special lady deleted me as a Facebook friend but she's such a nice Christian that she's been responding to my messages and has been helpful in identifying past problems with the crazed sector at that old church building and agreeing with the great points I'm able to mention dealing with our faith. I am so meant for marrying a nice girlfriend someday. This is what I wrote to her:

"A big brotherly kiss on the cheeks to you and a nice pat on the back. I felt something special with you back then. You are a dime of a dozen I let get away in terms of being Facebook friends. I'm really sure if I managed to patch things up with everyone at the old church you wouldn't mind accepting me again as a Facebook friend. I still have the old part of me alive that used to get nice results with people who struggled with me. The big secret is that I wouldn't mind someone acting like I did if I behaved like they did.

I just identified how they were struggling with me from only yesterday. I've just begun and made mistakes that are ending up to be in my favor. "Come now, let us settle the matter," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. Isaiah 1:18."

What's interesting is that with the other lady who put herself into a fight with me, I wasn't this personally courteous with her and treating the matter in a very dismissive manner and telling her what to do. She didn't like it and struggled with it because it is a lot to take in, especially if I'm spilling all the bad beans about her friends she loves dearly at that church. With this special lady, I'm just so naturally nice to her so there's definitely a connection I should be looking for in my future partner. This one is already taken, and I know she likes me too but I'll keep it low key because I honor marriages and already-made commitments above anything else. I just don't go seeking to find out if she ever gets available though, so maybe I would have if I really did like everything about her and so far, I haven't really found the one like that.