Friday, June 28, 2019

Finishing Out Month

Today marks the last working day of the month for me- that is pretty much my day job. I do have a few birthdays coming up and want to plan something special for them. They belong to a couple of my favorite ladies so it does make sense. I haven't really been hanging out with guys too often but there's one guy I hang out with to go to a theme park consistently to ride the biggest roller coasters out there in the world- Six Flags Magic Mountain. There's another guy I'm high school buddies with who I think is a loser and tell him such on texts all the time.

I pretty much have fewer guy friends that I keep in contact with than ladies. I feel pretty content but I want to find the hot and right lady for me to marry. Fortunately, I've hung out with that one friend who I think is the type I want to marry. She's dating someone else right now, but I don't really mind to be honest. It feels good just to feel that positive energy that cares and having a fond memory while just hanging out a few times. I just have to look for someone better and has a personality like hers then and I should be golden which is pretty sad but true.

I'm surprised that with the little amount of effort I put in with trading that it reaped benefits for me this month. I'm going to keep it up and hopefully it will last. I'm trying to get back into working out so it's always these minor details that I forget about and entertaining distractions that keep me from going. I need to realize that when I'm having fun, time is going to fly by fast and keep me from getting my hard stuff out of the way. Let's see how I do during the weekend. Peace everybody and thanks for caring to even read whoever you are. Curious and/or friendly or mortally sworn enemy, thanks.