Monday, June 10, 2019

Organizing Personal Time With Effort

I'm looking to go to meetups for inspiration to finish out my software engineering courses I'm really interested in completing for the knowledge and to also go into a side business of developing apps in hopes of giving the users what they want and to get some good money off of it. This will also increase my professional experience and I will have some skills to also present to other prospective employers in the future. I'm also feeling good about combining this with swing trading the Forex and now opening myself up to learning about trading stocks and options while trying to master the first one to begin with.

I am seriously realizing this is what I want to do and it's just kicking itself into gear. Well, there is a girl out there who I really like as a person and she said she likes hanging out with me too. I can tell we like each other quite a bit and have room to grow really attracted to each other. I don't really care so much about how cute she looks on the outward but feel great underneath from spending time and getting to know her. She's a really cool person to me, and I totally dig her personality. She's currently dating someone I know, and I don't really mind it. I'll just have to wait and see what happens between those two. I don't really think my situation sucks either because there are other opportunities to meet different types of women from finding and joining in with social mixers. I think bringing a buddy along who is a girl sort of hinders me from putting myself out there with the more pretty ladies I could get to know, so I might have to go to those meetings by myself now and without her presence to be supportive of me. I know I could always talk to her and a few other lady friends after to discuss about anything regarding my dating problems.