Thursday, June 27, 2019

Playing Catch Up

Well, I neglected being away from my blog for awhile and now, I'm starting to wake up and smell the coffee. Some people just struggle with being a friend even if it's over complete nonsense that drove them away! Oh well, it's life and I'm gaining more tolerance out of it and actually quite happy that I'm under control and not needing to act out over stuff that makes me angry. It's really hard but I guess in the end it's about picking your battles.

Something that's been playing a role for me now and another thinking tool that's been helpful for me personally is proving stuff logically by using contradicting statements. It's from assuming how a person is a certain way and then coming up with anything to prove that position is false. It works out quite nicely. I used it while working with one of my bumbling managers. I assumed that he knows how to do his job. He ended up contradicting his own statements that really ticked me off, but I realized from assuming he knows how to do his job, why would he do that if he knew how to do his job? Therefore, he doesn't know how to do his job fully and it's a fact I proved from using contradiction.

It feels a lot better and that's for sure so I don't have to go off feeling constantly angry at this dumb manager sometimes. This is a real life application of using the induction method to prove things and it's quite practical. It's something students of Computer Science have to study in order to graduate, and I thought it was a cruel thing to learn in the beginning.