Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Making Decisions To Not Regret

This is something that I'm writing for myself and may seem really off from trying to tap into my subconscious thoughts and intentions. I naturally feel like being lazy and not doing much to bother with a lost cause now. Something underneath me says it's wrong to hold back from wanting to be lazy, but you have to work hard and be brave about the situation. All this anger underneath me is really translating into something very competitive for what I want and feel a strong passion for. I may not be that lucky, but I'm going to keep hanging in there.

I ended up skipping everything yesterday to watch the NBA Finals game, and it was a very entertaining game to be honest. I don't think I can really afford this luxury when I should be doing something else to get going with my life. There's always reruns I can purchase to relive the moment whenever I can afford to and probably by then I will have already forgotten about it. In the short run, it's about living for the moment and feeling that escape from excitement. I should be more worried about maintaining a personal discipline with a positive outlook in life. It's a struggle but I think the effort is really worth it in the end. In the end, I think it's pretty sexy to be like this so I might as well commit to it and see where I can get to with it.