Friday, July 26, 2019

Finding Motivation

Programming is a lot like understanding the problem and then actively participating for a solution that will perform at least slightly better than the desired outcome. It's like constantly testing for errors and tweaking the code to make it work a lot better. I'm able to do this more fluidly now from having put enough time into it. It's like from having worked out, I can easily lift a nice load mentally and also really not mind working for a paycheck!

I think my main drives to motivation is seriously passion and from having been paid long enough doing it! I want to advance in this programming career by going into the more rigorous software engineering field. I'm really enjoying solving the challenges even though it is so hard. It's just rewarding in itself to solve those brain teasers in the form of writing and executing code. I can't fully crunch millions of numbers like a regular computer can but I can be its boss any day by commanding it what to do for me, after proving the algorithm is infallible.

Computer Science is so neat in that all of these humanly impossible tasks can be handled efficiently from coming up with the right algorithm. I'm really glad to be working to go after doing something cool for myself, which is trying to cash-in big by combining software developing and swing trading Forex to be my money makers and then investing in stocks. It's a competition out there and I don't mind playing to win some big money. Along the way, I do want to pick up a great chick obviously so I will have to increase my confidence from giving focus over to some meal plan and gym time.