Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Slightly Rough Patch

One of the great things about finding meetups is that you can find something that really suits your needs. I have been trying to listen to the Bible all these past days whenever I'm driving by myself and I frankly find it easy to let my mind wander off into other directions. It's really hard for me to pay attention and understand what's going on even though it's put in plain words. The descriptions that are being made isn't always direct and it's like there's this wrestling with the Spirit that's going on. The only thing that's really keeping me going with trying to understand the Bible is because of my faith in Jesus. I'm also giving the whole Bible a chance these days and really want to know the ins and outs. Even if it ends up making me doubt stuff about my faith, I still want to give it a chance to really get to know what this faith is all about.

My trading this month has hit a tough spot with a string of losing trades. I'm back to making adjustments because from last month I made a total killing off of it. I might be starting all over again, but I'm not giving up hope in finding a consistent trading pattern that will comfortably work for me. I am heavily influenced by one candlestick setup and also a way of reading chart patterns. It's from reading up on many authors who gave up a common method of trading that they all believe in, but I don't fully follow them and do my own thing too. I think the only thing I need to work on now is looking to enter the market at the right time each day for maximizing my gains and minimizing my losses. I'm getting pretty comfortable with it and I guess from all the exposure I have had with trying every system I could get my hands on, I'm just sticking to the ones that make sense for me and simple enough to maintain. It's pretty much about trying to create my own profitable system and adapting to anything that happens.