Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Focusing On Things You Want

I'm starting to notice that my commitment level is really about how much I'm willing to stick around with anything even if times are feeling stressful. I honestly feel this joy that's a part of me when I'm trying to focus on making money from learning about software engineering and also developing my investing skills. Currently, I'm trying to save up my money and still paying off a car and private student loan while learning to be a better swing trader.

What I really have in mind with doing next is working out consistently as well and fixing myself a better meal plan to help out with muscle growth and some nice sexy abs! I don't really feel like committing right now to a martial arts, even though I think it's cool and fun to know while challenging your own body. I want to grow in cross fitness strength before I start making time to learn about those techniques.

It looks like it's about taking baby steps to get somewhere and not really overwhelming oneself. It's like it's going to take some effort to get it working. It's just mainly this healthy feeling with being cool with sticking to something even if there's some grinding that needs to be done for getting the task done.

I now have in mind the living that I want to do well in, along with not minding with working out and eating better for being in good shape! Lastly, I do have a decent outlet for socializing with friendly acquaintances, so I think it's pretty bad to think paranoid and not will yourself to go out exploring with others while looking to have fun. It does require some social intelligence and it's always something that can be continuously developed.

Overall, yeah, I now realize that I was really hanging out with a bunch of crazy people in the beginning. If they weren't crazy, then they wouldn't have been shouting at me to not talk about something that wasn't illegal. They also wouldn't have been making such a big deal about something that didn't deal with them and wasn't directly affecting the welfare of the other people they wanted to control. If they didn't want to control others, then they wouldn't have cared about other's decisions which was the others didn't want to associate with them and how they blamed me because of it! If they didn't blame me for anything, then they wouldn't have discussed with me about what they thought was wrong about me and thinking they can take disciplinary action because of it. Yeah, they were really crazy now that I think of it. I still have what I wanted the most from them and happened from doing nothing! With the big actions they took and while everyone knows about it, I reasonably feel they were also dumb in addition to being crazy! It's my opinion.