Friday, July 26, 2019

Interesting Effect From Vow

I have made a very difficult vow with the Lord and it's basically to abstain from practicing on being a sexual pleaser with porno. Yeah, it was fun sometimes and other times, it was like man this is boring and I'm lasting forever. Anyway, from having made this really hard vow with God, I'm taking it very seriously. Hope to find a hot girl to date and fall in love together with soon!

I think I'm more motivated to get married to please God's Word which says in my paraphrase to enjoy sex in marriage and have lots of it! Fortunately, because of my vow I haven't been so preoccupied with sex like it's a product you buy off the shelf and taking preference over all the looks that are turn-ons. This just means that an average girl to me is looking more hot, and I guess that's good if she wants to be pregnant by me someday. I just need to find someone with the right personality now and to have a lot of fun with. Those are my main requirements I'm looking for. I'll worry about everything else later now. Major turn offs for me are if a girl looks too fat and has to deal with mental health issues, so that's about it. I'm a close friend to a girl who has my major turn offs but she can have a portion of that nice personality sometimes so I'm hoping she can win the battle of her schizophrenia and start working out with a nice diet to tone back down to her hot figure she used to be.