Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Learning From Others

I used to want to avoid studying for awhile and not be feeling my purpose with taking classes. This is all school was about for me. It was taking classes and doing homework while studying to take exams and trying to get the best grade possible. I was so fed up with it and stressing out all the time and just not having enough fun. I was really short-sighted even though I have the ability to do well enough to usually get an A. I could have kept up with being a great student and feel good from others holding me in higher regards, but I lost that image after awhile. I turned into a weird dude who is really hard to understand why he is driving a person so crazy and being annoying sometimes. The answer never lied with the other person complaining, but it was always right underneath my nose. The answer: they just turned crazy all of a sudden!

Basically reading books now especially in the area of investing is really about trying to gain something from the author who is willing to share any tips he or she doesn't mind revealing to help anyone make money and on top of that, hoping to become a best seller. I don't see myself revealing my own secret system that I have been fine tuning all this time. I want to be part of the elusive 1% that ends up taking most of the money from everyone else and turn it into a career while enjoying my life! What's also interesting is that it's about the final destination where the money ends up going because while in a trading market, the values are fluctuating so I'm potentially losing and earning money each second so anyone in it can get a piece of the money. It's all about the proper timing because a trader would want all the money he or she earns after exiting the market to turn into a profit.