Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Starting To Pick It Up

Ever since I made the vow with God to always be on top of my game before I go wander off into the land of Nod, I have naturally been noticing personal improvements with myself. Just today, I finally was able to pay attention most of the time with the Book of Jeremiah from Chapters 2 - 6. I don't know if those passages are just easy for me to follow, but I kept on listening even though I wanted to doze off while driving. I know it's pretty bad, but I've learned to be a half-awake and alert drone while driving through traffic to get to work each morning.

The main technique I'm going to share is rather a psychological one for me. Instead of dwelling on thoughts, I decided to commit myself to moving forward and that's all I told myself self-consciously and then put in the effort to listen and the Scriptures I was listening to on my car stereo just started clicking. It was pretty amazing! I think this is how I can make myself function as a productive person. It's really about tenacity and consistency of putting in the effort to keep on doing something. In a way, it's about making adjustments for me.

For myself, it looks like it's just simple as thinking to myself to keep on moving forward and then put in the effort to do whatever that needs to be done. Overall, it looks like my daily purpose in detail is about working on being a software developer and trading, working out, studying or listening to the Bible, keeping myself organized, and planning to do things while executing them.