Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Finding That Right Woman

For a pretty good portion of most of my future blog posts, I'm going to obviously talk about whatever I want and feed into calling all the people who made me mad dumb and continuously make sound arguments for it. It sounds fun right (?), especially if the person named X or Y isn't the reader. In real life though, I'm going to be the nicest person I can be without shouting and absorbing all my personal insecurities and telling people down right straight what's wrong about them in person!

How does that have to do anything about my current topic? Well, it's about finding the woman who is my type and I guess if I'm going to be making fun of her legally then maybe she really isn't my type to begin with. A lady friend who isn't my type but I'm really close to has straight out accused me of being overly optimistic. I'm really not and can be pessimistic sometimes. I just look optimistic when I'm arguing for whatever I want to do in life!

Finding the right woman is awesome and she's out there regardless of what all the other idiotic guys out there think with having to drop standards and pick a female body for raising a family with! This is a very optimistic statement. I'm all for it and the length of time it takes is just a number and will be well worth all those miserable years of not having it once it's there because love conquers all.