Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Focus And Dedication

It looks like my mind has a hard time picking up on complicated lessons. I have to always go back and repeat it, in order to actually understand it. This is pretty much how my mind has to study, even though I would love to get everything down the first time. Maybe over time, as I keep on studying and able to recognize patterns from being used to them, it will seem that way for me.

It really is about having dedication and putting in a lot of effort to focus for achieving a desired goal. I'm starting to be about narrowing my focus and putting it on a few things to specialize in because I want to make a living off of it and to also keep building a lot of confidence. It isn't really that easy, but it can be fun and rewarding to complete some personal challenges.

I have been reading up on a few secular views with the Bible on how some scholars think they are made-up stories. I don't really buy into them just because of my faith in it. I believe in the whole living holy life and walking with God through putting my trust in Jesus. The main argument for Christ I can recall is that the Dead Sea Scrolls verify that the Book of Isaiah, which Jesus in the New Testament claimed pointed to him, was written well before the birth of Christ. It's referred to as the Great Isaiah Scroll and was the only scroll fully intact and dated to be around 335-324 BC and 202-107 BC.

From what I recall long ago, a mathematician calculated the odds of this coming Christ figure in the Book of Isaiah to come to existence to be around 0.000000001%  and it pointed to Jesus. The only time it would fit, it would have to be Jesus of Nazareth who is found in the New Testament. Well, I've been a believer and pretty satisfied with knowing this much so far. I'm no scholar either, but can put my entire faith in Christ and try to always live a holy life for him. With my faith in Christ, it pretty much bridges my belief in the Old Testament to also be completely true for me. I probably won't ever fully understand it though, so that's another issue for me.