Monday, July 8, 2019

Part Of The Commitment

I have made some serious vows now from having felt stupid and I'm working at them seriously. I don't ever intend on breaking my new oaths I have decided to make with the Lord. Basically, what it entails to me is to put my personal priorities first before letting my mind wander off. This will be a permanent fix for me. The whole crazy oath I have decided to make now with abstaining from porno is only from hoping that I'm able to settle down with the right lady someday. I still have quite a ways to go with building my confidence and getting things to work in full order. 

One of my priorities is to keep on working to earn a living and to also work at doing something better. I have seriously tried on and off with poker, but it has its good and bad days. I think swing trading really suits my personality more than trying to earn a living from poker. I have tried to be consistent with online poker and even with the hard work and right setups, I'm still getting the short end of stick by losing to lucky opponents. I guess it happens, so I'm just going to play it recreationally now and not look to make any consistent money with it. I'm going to give it up in favor of learning to trade successfully. I like this a lot better for a job than what I'm currently doing. 

I do know my preferred future with making money really deals with designing and developing software. I think it's also cool to become a product development manager and sell useful stuff for profit. Overall, for building my confidence I feel pretty good about making my to-do list a general guideline.