Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Benefits of Sharing Knowledge

I think sharing knowledge is really beneficial when there's something common in dealing with others and you value what you are revealing a lot. Basically, things like giving advise on how to find that dream job or answering a question to appease someone's curiosity. This is what I'm doing on a site which has a knowledgeable database of questions to answer. The developers of that site pretty much run an algorithm and try to stick relatable questions that you are into answering. I find that I have no shortage of questions and I like to generally answer the topics that don't have like already 100+ answers. If someone has already put down an answer that I believe is sufficient then there's no reason for me to even bother, except give it a "Thumbs up!" if I get around to reading it. I usually do if there are a few answers to see if I can compete to be the best one.

It feels like the answers I'm sharing is not very highly valued by the majority of readers, even though I feel like I'm giving away years of knowledge from what I have learned through hardship. These views that I'm sharing really help to reflect on myself, and they are really benefitting me so much because I want to always keep on practicing what I know is the right answer. The joy I have is seeing the number of views on my answers, even though I might not command a lot of "Thumbs up" votes. There is no comparison to the amount of reads I get on that site and on here. I'm not really going to tell who I am on this blog and what site it is. The only way I think the reader will find out is if he or she is really sneaky or knows me personally already. I could also go on a weird phase and just type my name out blatantly.

I'm just doing this for my own legal protection. I like to prove everything that I'm discussing and strongly support them, but still I feel comfortable having this computer screen in front of me and avoiding confrontational and angry people who will end up infuriating me and causing me to go make them freak out.